
美式賣場爆衝突...他為買銅鑼燒甩開推車 車內2童受驚父喊告


高雄漢來海港巨蛋店就醫增至46人 皆集中26日「兩時段」用餐

一輩子被關實驗室!兔寶初見草地嚇到不敢動 第一次興奮狂跳讓人好心疼



根據《The Dodo》報導,唐娜和費加羅一生都活在實驗室裡,被用來進行各種測試以及繁殖。動保組織「Save the Buns」表示,他們發現兩隻兔子表現得相當膽小,「在此之前從來沒有被當作個體善待」。


Rescue alert 🚨 Last month we welcomed home two former lab rabbits thanks to our friends at Save the Buns! Please meet our newest rescues, Donna and Figaro. They’ve gone through a long journey to get here. Save the Buns rescued these rabbits from an animal research lab where they were going to be killed. Fortunately Save the Buns was able to step in and rescue them. ❤️ When we agreed to take them, we knew they would need vet attention and short-term boarding while we prepared for them on-site. 🐇🐇 Their boarding and vet care costs prior to arriving here was around $1981. Will you help us cover the costs of their care bills? Please help us give these two a warm Woodstock welcome! 🙂 ❤️ Donate here or on Venmo at Woodstock-Sanctuary! Welcome to a long life of safety, security, and love Donna & Figaro! We are so grateful you’re here. #whywoodstock

♬ You and Me - Eldar Kedem

唐娜和費加羅幸運被動保組織救出之後,後續被送到「Woodstock Farm Sanctuary」體驗前所未有的自然環境。兩隻兔子剛到新家顯得困惑又帶點恐懼,但逐漸開始適應了來自大自然的光線,以及各種實驗室沒有的風吹草動,開始勇敢踏出籠子探索各種新鮮的事物。


ICYMI: we welcomed two new buns to the sanctuary, rescued from a research lab! Watch Donna and Figaro exploring their new yard for the first time ❤️ Their journey home took time, money and planning, and we need your help covering their vet and boarding bills. Before arriving at the sanctuary, Donna and Figaro needed to see a vet. This was likely the first time they'd seen a vet, and we needed to ensure they were both healthy enough to be housed in the rabbit barn. We also had to provide short-term boarding for them while we prepared onsite. Rabbits are sensitive and social animals, and they can be very particular about their friendships. We boarded them with our friends at Reenies Rabbit Rescue to ensure they had a safe space to socialize and adjust while we prepared for them here. Please donate to their vet and boarding bills! 🐰 ❤️ For these little survivors, all the hard work is worth it -- look at Donna and Figaro exploring their yard! Even though Donna and Figaro are safe, we still have to catch up on the costs we incurred getting them here. 💌 Please give today, here or on Venmo at Woodstock-Sanctuary.

♬ Gentle and warm background piano(1262846) - Noru




日航爆炸2寵物葬身火海 上萬人響應連署「讓毛孩搭客艙」:怎能拋下家人逃跑?

鼻子好癢忍不住!臘腸汪瞇眼開嘴「哈啾到模糊」 100%複製人類表情爆紅

奴才讓玩具復活了!紅毛汪眼裡全是崇拜「拱手狂道謝」 叼走猛搖尾巴嗨翻

樓下大肥貓突失蹤!他在附近找到「貓咪聲明」結局超展開 網友看哭:天使在人間


瀕絕保育類生物白海豚 金門現蹤


先生打我的貓...她恐懼又心疼 網直指:虐貓不先報警嗎?


卓溪黑熊族群增 人熊衝突恐頻繁


野放穿山甲 白天現蹤暨大


狗狗飼主注意!GOMO PET FOOD這款飼料 檢出鎘含量超標


飼養員忘了「收貓兒」 大熊貓頂流「花花」除夕夜吹冷風




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